Growing up in the small North Texas town of Sherman, I grew up with kids from all financial backgrounds. I have always had a lot of sympathy for people struggling financially. However, it has been during my years as a lawyer that I’ve developed a strong desire to help people not be broke. I don’t know how to make people rich but I think it is possible for almost every to not be broke, and I know how to do it. Both bankruptcy and personal injury law give me the opportunity to help struggling people get back on their feet.
My parents worked hard as an insurance salesman and an elementary schoolteacher to give my brother and I a great upbringing. I worked hard at football and other sports, earned the rank of Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts, studied as best I could, and had great friends. But I saw kids around me every day who didn’t have it so great. Most of the time it was because their families had trouble making ends meet, and both the kids and the parents struggled under the weight of that strain. That feeling has made me always try to help people not be broke. My entire legal career I have worked in bankruptcy and personal injury as a lawyer for people who are caught up in a system that often seems set up to keep them broke. My clients are good people taken advantage of by creditors and loans that are often unfair, or good people victimized and injured by unsafe products, careless citizens or their employer.
After high school, I then attended Texas Christian University (TCU) in Fort Worth. I graduated from TCU with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree. My time at TCU was great as I learned a lot, and made lifelong friends. I wish I could start over tomorrow, and live those years again. I then attended and graduated from Texas Tech School of Law in Lubbock, Texas. Law school is hard work, and there is a lot to learn, but the most important thing is that is where the desire grew to be the type of lawyer that represents individual people, not large companies.
When I graduated from law school I worked for a personal injury law firm for a few years, and then I worked for a bankruptcy law firm for two years. These law firms were great, but I wanted to make all the decisions and to serve my clients exactly the way that I believed in. In 2005, I opened Leinart Law Firm with myself and one employee. With a lot of hard work, I’m very proud of the steady growth we’ve enjoyed since 2005.
I’ve been married to my talented and beautiful wife Christi since 1997. We have 3 fantastic boys aged 16, 14 and 11, and they take up all of my time outside of Leinart Law Firm. I spend as much time as I can with my wife and children. I watch and coach what seems like a million youth sports games each year, and that is my passion and hobby. I’m also a proud supporter of the football program at Sherman High School where I played. I’ve been a volunteer coach there for summer “7on7” football for over 20 years, and I served as the football TV commentator alongside my brother for 4 years in the 2000’s. I am a lifelong member of the Methodist Church and an Eagle Scout along with being a member of the State Bar of Texas, the Better Business Bureau and the National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys.
- Texas Tech University School of Law (J.D. 1995)
- Texas Christian University (B.B.A. 1992)
- Personal Injury
- Bankruptcy & Debt
- Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
- Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
- Business Bankruptcy
- Divorce & Bankruptcy
- Lawsuits & Judgments
- Dallas Bar Association
- Tarrant County Bar Association

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